My name is Peg Haubert. I am a video producer. I am the maker of images, the recorder of sounds. I am the investigator. I am the information processor. I am the interpreter of visions. I am a magician. I will do what it takes to achieve the communication objectives of my clients. I received my BFA in Independent Filmmaking from UW Milwaukee. I enjoy creative problem solving. I have been decoding the wishes of others since I was three years old. It all started when my baby brother pointed up one day and said, “Ugh.” Mom handed him an object and he tossed it aside. She tried several items but none of them were what he wanted. He continued to demand, “Ugh.” Tired of his routine, she raised her voice and said, “What? Just tell me what you want?” He started to cry but continued to point at nothing and everything while repeating, “Ugh, Ugh!” I, perhaps sensing the frustration they were experiencing, offered my help, “I know what he wants, Momma. I know what he wants.” I said. I handed him a towel. With this he was happy.

The outcome of my intervention was twofold. My brother never said an actual word until he was three years old while I, on the other hand, developed extraordinary abilities listening, interpreting, and finding ‘that’ which serves the needs of others.
Primarily, I extend my services to non-profit clients. I have worked extensively with health care providers, educators, volunteers, students, and artists. I am predisposed to humanitarian efforts. Whoever I am working with I follow this general procedure; we develop a basic game plan. First I listen. I listen to everyone involved in the project. I gather all the details. Then I do “nothing.” I go home. From that moment on I am assimilating volumes of information. I take in all the details and push them to the back of my mind. I go about my routine chores and rituals while the project puts itself together. I wait. I go to bed. I try to go to sleep.
Just about the time I fall asleep, Bingo! My brain is ready for action. It is mysterious to me how my brain works. I don’t know how it happens. I’m glad it does this, however. I don’t get much sleep until the project is finished. I research, write, write, write, get step-by-step feedback…write some more. After the script is approved, I shoot, capture audio, edit, mix, dub and deliver. It is good, hard, rewarding work. I am currently accepting new clients, offer honest and affordable production options and strive to help others achieve their communication objectives. I will work around the clock to meet a deadline. Those I have served appreciate my abilities. I have heard it said that I “rock.” I’ve heard that I, “walk on water.” I love to hear these things. In essence I simply do the best job t can possibly do with the resources that are available. I know that the most powerful resource available is good old “imagination.”

I own my equipment and have recently upgraded to the Casablanca Prestige. This non-linear edit deck allows me to burn DVDs. I am equipped with three video cameras, two edit decks and when I need additional equipment, I rent. When I need additional crew I hire crew. When I am not working on a video project I offer other services such as still photography, slide presentations, and poster design.
I live in Milwaukee’s East Village. It has been home to me for twenty plus years. It is a natural progression of growth around here. Thus, I am becoming more involved in the Astor Street Performing Arts Center project. I will be doing some grant writing to assist in the future development of this community resource. I hope to offer private tutoring to a few individuals.
In addition, I am currently coordinating a community education workshop for kids and their parents. It has an environmental theme focusing on the future. I am looking for a church basement or classroom where we can hold this workshop. I am learning web design, computer animation, and streaming video techniques. Using Photoshop, I am creating digital images and am excited by the infinite potential in this new media.
I have several personal projects I hope to complete that are on the back burner waiting for attention. There are more productions waiting to be developed. Everyday a new idea comes to light. You are invited to share your ideas with me. If I can help, I will.
Sincerely, Peg
Please, contact me at 414-225-9644 or e-mail